black Belts

Black belts enjoy the challenges of training through the Black Belt syllabus as they advance to higher ‘Dan’ (Degree) grades. Studying advanced techniques is fun & helps form a deeper understanding of Tae Kwon-Do as an art & a sport. 

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YES you could be a Black Belt - Come along, join us & learn the skills - ENJOY

Black Belts enjoy continued increase of their competence and skill. Each person works towards a mastery of the basics as well as developing many of the additional, more complex techniques that Tae Kwon-Do has to offer. Once a Black Belt, you may study to become Umpire, Referee, Assistant or Fully qualified Instructor. 


Tae Kwon-Do Oath


As a student of Tae Kwon-Do, I do solemnly pledge to abide by the rules and regulations of the Tae Kwon-Do Association, to strive always to be modest, courteous and respectful to all members, in particular my seniors, to put the art into use only for self defence or defence of the weak and never to abuse my knowledge of the art.

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